Thursday, May 17, 2007

Upcoming Gallery Show or a Fortuitous Happening

One thing I might be using this new blog for is to talk about upcoming projects that maybe aren't quite ready for me to fully announce on our regular site. Sometimes I'm waiting for some info to be confirmed or maybe I just need a piece of artwork or a photo, but regardless of what it is I often have a tidbit or two in the works that isn't quite ready for a full post on our offical site or forums.

A good example of the above is the new show we've got planned for our gallery in June. We originally had Travis Lampe scheduled for June, but then he had something come up and we needed to move his show to December of this year. I'm actually kind of glad that the show got moved, it gives Travis some more time to work on awesome paintings of things like hot dogs (if you saw the show at 32nd and Urban you know what I mean). But it did leave a glaring gap in our gallery schedule.

I try not to panic when something like that happens...I usually have other things to worry about, and I had even started to relish the idea of maybe taking the month off from the gallery and perhaps squeezing in a vacation.

But then someone we know from the designer toy business just handed us a gimme, and a good one at we've got a June show afterall! Friday, June 8 will be the opening for a new show in our gallery by Attaboy.... we couldn't be happier. Atta's done a lot in the designer toy genre that we like including the Axtrx figure plus he and Annie publish Hi-Fructose magazine and we just couldn't pass up the chance to work with them a little closer. We don't have the full details yet (like the flyer image and that sort of stuff) so we haven't officially announced the show yet, but I feel pretty confident that if you show up that Friday there will be some great new Attaboy art in the gallery and plenty of cold soda to drink.

So...thanks to Larry and Sarah of Fakture Gallery (formerly of Denver, now a traveling act) for helping us fill the June gap and get Attaboy into the Rotofugi Gallery. It's gonna be a fun night!

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